Website updates and Hello Penguin

October 25, 2012 § 5 Comments

First order of business, I’ve just recently finished a major-ish upgrade to the “art” section of my website to allow people to comment on stuff. No signup necessary, so feel free to make a fake name and anonymously troll me or something. If you do feel like actually commenting, the avatars are from gravatar, FYI.
obligatory link

The other thing that has happened in the last update period would be the release of my latest game project “Hello Penguin”. To quote the game description:

The new game from the new company called “Hello Penguin”.  Created as a designer’s challenge in 4 hours, Hello Penguin takes you on a magical text based adventure through YOUR mind.  See if you can find ALL the hidden endings.

Pick it up from todayyyy
updates pending(!??!?!)

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