Indiana Quote and the Temple of Ill Fate

December 13, 2011 § 4 Comments

Here’s the minimod I mentioned before. There may be some minor changes to it in a later version but essentially this is what it is going to look like. Bob and Weave through three (3) levels of pyramid danger, find the treasure, and escape with your life! Play with one of *two* different weapons, or take none at all for an extra challenge! If you can get to the boss with no weapon and beat it with full health, you get a secret bonus!!!! Traps, Baddies, Puzzles, just play it already !!!!!!!!!!

With regards to King Story I have bubble level 1 and 2 code finished, and the bubbler weapon code (which is way more efficient than Pixel’s implementation, awyeah). Enemies die when you shoot them and stuff and I also transplanted the entire Effects system (for those things like the level up/down majigger, the flashes that appear when you shoot the gun, etc.) so I suppose I got a fair bit of work done on that this week as well.

It’s also Exam Time for me. I’ve written two so far, and one of them was the one I expected to be hardest, but I think I’ve done alright on it so that pleases me. Only two more to go and then alllll of christmas break is mine until January when I start my co-op term.


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