
June 7, 2011 § 6 Comments

Would’ve been nice if this was suggested back when I was just starting the editor rather than halfway through

whatever, I’ll do it. But there will only be four, probably.

I wanted to have this ready but I had to work 8h+ days for the last like five days in a row and I really don’t feel like programming after that sort of thing.
I’m only human D:

§ 6 Responses to Tabs

  • Tabs? What do you mean?

    Several maps open at once? Or if there’s too much information for the editor, click the tab to reveal the next level of information? :o

    • Noxid says:

      Basically my version of tabs will be, four buttons in the bottom-right corner. Each will more or less hold a “state” of the editor, so tab 1 might be map editing on map 20, tab 2 might be TSC editing on map 18, tab 3 could be Entity editing map 44 and tab 4 could be TSC editing map 92.

      That way, you can quickly jump around to a bunch of different things at once, say if you’re doing a door script that goes across two maps.

  • Noxid says:

    Maybe more than 4 if it’s deemed necessary
    I just picked a number..

  • Why does it say “Layers” (like an onion!) in the e-mail update? I see how it relates, but I still ask…..

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