More Faces

October 5, 2010 § 3 Comments

These are mostly what I got done I guess. I can’t really remember right now. I also translated a bunch of entities from ASM in the game to ASM in text so that I can edit and ‘recompile’ them if you will. It is a slow process because I have to invent a name for every jump to make it a label and also readable. It’s worth it I swear.

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§ 3 Responses to More Faces

  • trickybilly says:

    This “ASM in text” is like TSC commands in a CS editor?

    • Noxid says:

      Ah, if that’s an easy enough comparison to make, sure. It’s kind of like a symbolic representation of the actual hex data. Sort of like the example ASM I post from time to time, where it just uses words and stuff.

  • If I could on;y figure out how Hex works, then I would know what you’re saying. I pray that it is like TSC, hard at first, then easier later.

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